A Week of Symfony #749 (3-9 May 2021)

This week, Symfony development activity focused on polishing Symfony 5.3 for its upcoming release and fixing some of the bugs reported for it. In addition, Symfony celebrated the SymfonyLive Online Spanish 2021 conference. The next official conference will be SymfonyWorld Online 2021 (June 17 – 18, 2021).

Symfony development highlights

This week, 63 pull requests were merged (48 in code and 15 in docs) and 47 issues were closed (41 in code and 6 in docs). Excluding merges, 46 authors made 5,337 additions and 1,113 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

88dcf52: [ErrorHandler] skip same vendor @method deprecations for Symfony classes
e51e651: [VarExporter] add support of PHP enumerations
ba38346: [PropertyInfo] fix attribute namespace with recursive traits
fab61ee: [PropertyInfo] make ReflectionExtractor correctly extract nullability
0e738ef: [Config, DependencyInjection] uniformize trailing slash handling
899093d: [Security] Update Dutch translations
2f3519b: [Security] Update German translations
98d3201: [Security] Update Czech translations
4d3768f: [Security] Update Spanish translations
c1e9ba8: [Security] Update Turksih translations
21e9894: [Security] Update Portuguese translations
f9deae0: [Security] Update Brazilian Portuguese translations
4c7a54a: [Security] Update Polish translations
beca689: [Security] Update Italian translations
72b6001: [Security] Update Japanese translations
e0fe8c1: [Security] Update Russian translations

5.2 changelog:

960891e: [Notifier] make FailoverTransport always pick the first transport
ca46f10: [Notifier] fix return SentMessage then Messenger not used
ffbf8c2: [Form] add missing TranslatableMessage support to choice_label option of ChoiceType
72cc666: [PropertyInfo] handle true and false property types in PhpDocExtractor
d76bfb5: [Notifier] fix missed messageId for SendMessage object in Slack notifier
38a991e: [TwigBridge] fix HTML for translatable custom-file label in Bootstrap 4 theme
897f287: [Security] allow ips parameter in access_control to accept comma-separated string
53e47b3: [Console] fix Windows code page support

5.x changelog:

3f4144b: make Serializable implementation internal and final
ef2da6c: [Notifier] add SlackOptions::threadTs() to send message as reply
883899e: [Security] avoid regenerating the remember me token if it is still fresh
a44eaf3: [Mime] add support for application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zip mime type
ba38346: [PropertyInfo] fix attribute namespace with recursive traits
173cf48: [WebProfilerBundle] add simple backoff strategy on 404
ad91659: [Runtime] don’t display the shebang on the CLI

Symfony CLI

Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing
Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the
Symfony Local Server,
the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released
its new 4.24.0 version
with the following changes:

Add support for fuzzy command names (for instance, you can use u:a instead of user:add)
Remove error that is not an error: error sending signal urgent I/O condition os: process already finished
Fix env:validate when the .symfony.cloud.yaml file is not valid
Update available PHP extensions on Cloud
Disable auto-updates (only a warning is now displayed with the command to run to update)

Newest issues and pull requests

[HttpFoundation][Session] Reverting the session service deprecation and finding a better approach
[Validator] Add shortcut to create a new ConstraintViolationList with one Constraint
[Messenger] Message attributes
Phase out Serializable

They talked about us

Super-Duper Cookie-based authorization (Symfony + API Platform + ReactJS)
Cómo indexar entidades manualmente en Elasticsearch usando FOSElasticaBundle en Symfony 5

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