A Week of Symfony #780 (6-12 December 2021)

This week, Symfony 5.4.1 and 6.0.1 maintenance versions were released. In addition, the SymfonyWorld 2021 Winter edition conference too place with great success. During the conference, Symfony UX 2.0 was released to add Stimulus 3 support and we introduced an automated way to create and manage Docker containers in Symfony applications. Lastly, the Symfony Demo application released its new version compatible with Symfony 6.0.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 53 pull requests were merged (44 in code and 9 in docs) and 42 issues were closed (35 in code and 7 in docs). Excluding merges, 31 authors made 16,238 additions and 69,160 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

4b6e29d: [HttpClient] fix handling thrown Exception in Generator in MockResponse
2381e0d: [PropertyAccess] add tests accessing public (dynamic) properties
ac3631a: [Process] fix uppercase ARGC and ARGV should also be skipped
6e54976: [FrameworkBundle] fix cache pool configuration with one adapter and one provider
67f7917: [DependencyInjection] resolve ChildDefinition in AbstractRecursivePass
513fc4c: [HttpClient] double check if handle is complete
bf82d54: [HttpClient] don’t ignore curl_multi_exec errors
843c9d7: [HttpClient] don’t reset timeout counter when initializing requests

5.3 changelog:

e4870b0: [Translation] make HTTP requests synchronous when reading the Loco API
a18bd1d: [String] fix requiring wcswitch table several times
41760f3: [FrameworkBundle] use correct cookie domain in loginUser()
6e54976: [FrameworkBundle] fix cache pool configuration with one adapter and one provider
3b6cc05: [Translation] fix push keys to Lokalise
513fc4c: [HttpClient] double check if handle is complete
843c9d7: [HttpClient] don’t reset timeout counter when initializing requests

5.4 changelog:

cd3dddf: [HttpKernel] fix wrong usage of SessionUtils::popSessionCookie
941a924: [Lock] fix missing argument in PostgreSqlStore::putOffExpiration with DBAL connection

6.0 changelog:

e4cfa82: don’t access uninitialized typed property ChromePhpHandler::$response

6.1 changelog:

94533d4: [HttpKernel, WebProfilerBundle] add xdebug_info page to WebProfiler bundle
6ab662b, 3d8efd5: use str_ends_with(), str_contains(), and str_starts_with()
c0bad86: [DependencyInjection, Messenger] add auto-registration for BatchHandlerInterface
cbcfff2: [HttpFoundation] update cookie date time format
6dc2b06: [Mailer] allow multiple TagHeaders with MailgunApiTranspor

Symfony CLI

Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing
Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the
Symfony Local Server,
the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released
its new 4.26.10 and
4.26.11 versions
with the following changes:

Update the check requirements script to fix PHP 8.1 notice
Update available service versions
Add support for MAILER_DISABLED to disable all emails
Add PHP 8.1 extensions supported on SymfonyCloud
Fix SymfonyCloud v2 installed binaries in production containers

Newest issues and pull requests

[DependencyInjection] Support first-class callable syntax for factory service configuration
[Router] Route attribute containing kernel parameters generated on build time
Allow TaggedLocator autowiring via enums

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) Symfony 5 Security, Chapter 32: Making Questions owned by Users
(Video) Symfony 5 Security, Chapter 33: Leveraging the Question Owner
(Video) Symfony 5 Security, Chapter 34: Voters

They talked about us

Using the SecurityBundle in Symfony 6
Symfony’s Panther: Unleash the Tests Beast
Login throttling with Symfony and multiple server instances
Symfony Station Communique – 10 December 2021. A Look at Symfony and PHP News.
Symfony & Database-Part 2
Symfony World Online 2021 Winter Editionが開催されます!
[Symfony][Doctrine] 論理削除と変更履歴とDBのビューを駆使して複雑な集計ロジックをシンプルなアプリケーションコードで実装した例
[Symfony][Doctrine] UniqueEntity制約はpersistしただけの既存エンティティとの重複は検出してくれないので工夫が必要
[Symfony] 再利用可能なバンドルを機能テストする方法(2021年版)
Symfony でのテストのあれこれ – 公式を読むべきという学び
[Symfony] Securityアノテーションを使って複雑な権限チェックを行う
エンジニアじゃなくたって現在時刻を自由自在に操ってテストがしたいよ〜〜 with Symfony

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