A Week of Symfony #794 (14-20 March 2022)

This week, Symfony announced the merging of SymfonyCloud into Platform.sh. In addition, SymfonyCasts published the new (and free) Symfony 6 video tutorials. Finally, SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 conference announced the end of its early bird registration period.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 26 pull requests were merged (21 in code and 5 in docs) and 17 issues were closed (13 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 16 authors made 1,512 additions and 236 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

c1aa7b5: [Console] fix compact table style to avoid outputting a leading space
a2cfd7e: [PropertyInfo] strip only leading backslash when unknown docType
676325b: [Mailer] use recipients in sendmail transport
172bf0f: [Lock] SemaphoreStore catching exception from sem_get

5.4 changelog:

ed9f973: [Mailer] fix stringify from address for ses+api transport
5b56d4e: [RateLimiter] fix rate serialization for long intervals (monthly and yearly)
326944d: [ErrorHandler] ignore @return when there is a @template
5b46cb9: [Serializer] fix nested deserialization_path computation when there is no metadata for the attribute

6.1 changelog:

b0b5ff7: [Security] throw access denied if CurrentUser cannot be resolved instead of a 500
d6be0d9: [HttpKernel] add generics to ArgumentMetadata::getAttributes
db99c07: [HttpFoundation] improve Cookie constructor to use constant
43a9a3c: [WebProfilerBundle] display email recipients in Profiler
a037eca: [Security] make use of the new getAttributesOfType method
9a29631: [HttpClient] Add resolve to copy as cURL
912ceb7: [ErrorHandler, HttpKernel] read SYMFONY_IDE to render exception in case of fatal error
16f0668: [Console] add completion values to input definition
7248e16: [DependencyInjection] add Autowire parameter attribute
68fa5a5: [Config] add comment on array methods

Newest issues and pull requests

Add various return-typed getters to ParameterBag
[Messenger] Randomize worker stop limits (limit, time-limit)

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) Symfony 6 course, Chapter 3: Routes, Controllers & Responses
(Video) Symfony 6 course, Chapter 4: Wildcard Routes
(Video) Symfony 6 course, Chapter 5: Symfony Flex: Aliases, Packs & Recipes
(Video) Symfony 6 course, Chapter 6: Flex Recipes
(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 24: Override all the Templates!
(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 29: The Filter System
(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 30: Multiple Cruds for a Single Entity?
(Video) EasyAdmin course, Chapter 31: Extending with Events

They talked about us

Using Symfony Form in WordPress
Symfony, elasticsearch and docker environment
Symfony Station Communiqué – 18 March 2022
Using PHPStan with Symfony – static analysis for better PHP code quality
Today I Learnt — Twig and Services
How to inject multiple instances of an interface in a service
Envoyer des e-mails transactionnels avec un service tiers sous Symfony
Le pattern Décorateur avec Symfony

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