A Week of Symfony #813 (25-31 July 2022)

This week, Symfony 4.4.44, 5.4.11, 6.0.11 and 6.1.3 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.2 version introduced a new Clock component to decouple applications from the system clock and a new transliterator to translate emojis into many locales. Lastly, there’s a new proposal to discuss about switching from YAML to PHP by default in Symfony configuration.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 61 pull requests were merged (44 in code and 17 in docs) and 36 issues were closed (32 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 37 authors made 432,486 additions and 384 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

e3e2b32: [BrowserKit] merge fields and files recursively if they are multidimensional array
57e5141: [Serializer] respect default context in DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize
9fb7f20: [Debug, ErrorHandler] fix operator precedence
03bdaed: [HttpKernel] fix non-scalar check in surrogate fragment renderer
dfa765d: [Security] allow redirect after login to absolute URLs

5.4 changelog:

00037d8: [Messenger] fix function name in TriggerSql on postgresql bridge to support table name with schema
8341158: [Cache] ensure that Redis adapter can use multiple Redis Sentinel hosts
4a6a794: [FrameworkBundle] remove the ChatterInterface alias when the chatter service is removed

6.1 changelog:

cf9aff6: [Serializer] fix wrong needsNormalization in TraceableEncoder
aea1a47: [HtmlSanitizer] allow null for sanitizer option allowed_link_hosts and allowed_media_hosts

6.2 changelog:

39191b4, 523ba82: [ExpressionLanguage] add support for null coalescing syntax
523ba82: [Notifier] add „from“ in SmsMessage
b1b77f3: [Console] don’t cut URLs wrapped in SymfonyStyle block
41dfb72, 5bf31c5: [Intl] add EmojiTransliterator to translate emoji to many locales
7940cc4: [Mime] change the way we avoid rendering an email twice
f94700c: [Clock] a new component to decouple applications from the system clock
57e5141: [Serializer] respect default context in DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize
43c09ab: [ErrorHandler] don’t trigger deprecations for lazy objects extending @final classes
905bc20: [Mailer] allow sub-classes to change the way the message id parsed
6e95b8b: [HttpKernel] add option to render Surrogate fragment with absolute URIs
e137bd3: [Ldap] deprecate ‚{username}‘ parameter use in favour of ‚{user_identifier}‘ in LDAP configuration
03bacb3: [TwigBridge] add support for toggle buttons in Bootstrap 5 form theme

Newest issues and pull requests

[Mailer] Send mails with attachments asynchronously
[RFC][Forms] Make getParent static
[Console] Improve performance of the code that gets column width and row height
[RFC] Switch from Yaml to PHP files for skeleton configurations
[Form] Adding valid & invalid form events

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
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Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) Symfony 6 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments, Chapter 20: Environment Variables
(Video) Symfony 6 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments, Chapter 21: The Secrets Vault
(Video) Symfony 6 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments, Chapter 22: Reading Secrets vs Env Vars
(Video) Symfony 6 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments, Chapter 23: MakerBundle & Autoconfiguration
(Video) Symfony 6 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments, Chapter 24: Customizing a Command

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 29 July 2022
Symfony & When to catch exceptions
8 News in Config Transformer that Converts Symfony YML to PHP
Demo Symfony Currency Converter
Symfony ElasticSearch – Search service and Query builder
Use D-MVC Pattern in Symfony Application
What is message queuing and why should you use it
Repository pattern the SOLID way in symfony
Creating a Symfony project from zero to success in 52 weeks (week 4.4.44)
API Platform Conference #2 : venez rencontrer les plus grand•es expert•es des API web !

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