A Week of Symfony #831 (28 November – 4 December 2022)

This week, Symfony 6.2 was released after having worked on it for six months to add lots of nice new features. Meanwhile, Symfony 4.4.49 (the last one of this branch), 5.4.16, 6.0.16 and 6.1.8 maintenance versions were released. Lastly, the SymfonyWorld Online 2022 conference will take place next week with a schedule packed with interesting talks.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 51 pull requests were merged (40 in code and 11 in docs) and 20 issues were closed (19 in code and 1 in docs). Excluding merges, 39 authors made contributions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

35a6b3c: [Security] throw InvalidLoginLinkException on missing parameter
68e3261: [WebProfilerBundle] remove redundant code from logger template
6c02af9: [TwigBridge] amend MoneyType Twig to include a space

6.2 changelog:

3bc06b3: [Clock] autowire PSR interface
8b8e1d4: [Mailer] fix body renderer check
258fb73: [Console] fix OutputInterface options int-mask for PHPStan
6f762ef: [Security] reuse AbstractFactory’s config tree in AccessTokenFactory
aa79198: [String] fix AsciiSlugger with emojis
eaf92de: [FrameworkBundle] add alximy as backer of v6.2
3444c1e: [TwigBridge] fix casing of getCurrentRoute/getCurrentRouteParameters methods

Newest issues and pull requests

Provide integration with importmaps
Template string support in Expression Language
Create AttributeLoader instead use AnnotationLoader
[HtmlSanitizer] Add a blockAll helper
!service_locator does not use ID of the original service when key not specified

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) Design Patterns for Fun and Proficiency, Chapter 12: The Decorator Pattern
(Video) Design Patterns for Fun and Proficiency, Chapter 13: Decoration with Symfony’s Container
(Video) Design Patterns for Fun and Proficiency, Chapter 14: Decoration: Override Core Services & AsDecorator
(Video) Netgen Layouts: Building Pages with Symfony, Chapter 9: Frontend Item View
(Video) Netgen Layouts: Building Pages with Symfony, Chapter 10: Ajax Pagination & CSS/JS

They talked about us

Back from Disneyland Paris: our recap of the SymfonyCon 2022
SymfonyCon at Disneyland Paris for the 15+2th birthday of Symfony
Consume External Messages Using Symfony Messenger
Discover Symfony UX components and enhance your front-end
How to dockerize Symfony project?
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris pour les 15+2 ans de Symfony !
Redis et la mémoire de PHP sont dans un bateau, il coule
Конечные автоматы на практике: Symfony Workflow
Symfony Serializerを使ってみた!
API PlatformのOpenAPI生成で、プロパティのrequiredをreadのスキーマにだけ適用する

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