A Week of Symfony #833 (12-18 December 2022)

This week, Symfony 6.2.2 maintenance version was released. Meanwhile, development activity focused on fixing bugs of stable versions and adding new features for the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version, such as the support of labels in dd() and dump() functions. In addition, the last conference keynote video was published for free so you can watch Fabien introducing two new components for Symfony 6.3.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 65 pull requests were merged (48 in code and 17 in docs) and 48 issues were closed (42 in code and 6 in docs). Excluding merges, 42 authors made 2,256 additions and 712 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

c47bedf: [ErrorHandler] fix some new return types support in DebugClassLoader
64d145c: fix getting the name of closures on PHP 8.1.11
2c24bbc: [Yaml] fix dumping top-level tagged values
8cb094c, ed1ab3f: [Mime] fix MessagePart serialization
5a68b8c: [FrameworkBundle] allow configuring framework.exceptions with a config builder
e0bd8e1: use static methods inside data providers
a810772: [HttpClient] increase TraceableHttpClient decorator priority
af562a7: [WebProfilerBundle] fix dump header not being displayed
f115d7a: [HttpFoundation] fix dumping array cookies
5ec600e: [Serializer] prevent GetSetMethodNormalizer from creating invalid magic method call
70b403d: [Messenger] added missing rpc_timeout option in Amqp
73e03fb: [Cache] fix dealing with ext-redis‘ multi/exec returning a bool
18a2323: [HttpFoundation] use relative timestamps with MemcachedSessionHandler
d38ef67: [Mailer] include all transports‘ debug messages in RoundRobin transport exception
35ac2d1: [DependencyInjection] shared private services becomes public after a public service is accessed
7e2a88a: [HttpKernel] AbstractSessionListener should not override the cache lifetime for private responses

6.1 changelog:

7ed7e92: [ErrorHandler, HttpKernel] fix reading the SYMFONY_IDE env var
f14901e: [HtmlSanitizer] fix HtmlSanitizer default configuration behavior for allowed schemes
caffee8: [Console] fix clear line with question in section

6.2 changelog:

0498238: [DependencyInjection] fix bug when tag name is a text node
4e8c602: [Console] fix missing command not matching namespace error message
138fd23: [TwigBundle] alias BodyRendererInterface
21a1abb: [SecurityBundle] fix authenticator existence check in Security::login()
b000c05: [Translation] fix extraction when dealing with VariadicPlaceholder parameters
0f5a556: [HttpKernel] fix CacheAttributeListener priority
170c5b2: [ExpressionLanguage] fix BC of cached SerializedParsedExpression containing GetAttrNode
2c632f0: [FrameworkBundle] container:debug CLI output improvements for excluded services
f3ed8cd: [Validator] allow opt-out of EmailValidator deprecation when using Validation::createValidatorBuilder()
28fe177: [Cache] fix lazyness of redis when using RedisTagAwareAdapter
7df2468: [Serializer] fix context attribute with serializedName

6.3 changelog:

4829c67: [HttpKernel] fix wrong deprecation message
c1d281d: [FrameworkBundle] allow to avoid limit definition in a RateLimiter configuration when using the no_limit policy
d8d93c6: [VarDumper] add support of named arguments to dd() and dump() to display a label
68725da: [Notifier] allow to update Slack messages
8e5e268: [HttpFoundation] create migration for session table when pdo handler is used
c2e4460: use ::class for Fully Qualified Class Names
e7482d7: [Validator] update ValidatorBuilder comment for enableAnnotationMapping
b3a2301: [Messenger] move Transport/InMemoryTransport to Transport/InMemory/InMemoryTransport

Newest issues and pull requests

[Serializer] Support general object normalizer contexts in ConstraintViolationListNormalizer
Link to source when dumping a stamp

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) Netgen Layouts: Building Pages with Symfony, Chapter 16: Building the Contentful Page
(Video) Netgen Layouts: Building Pages with Symfony, Chapter 17: Customizing the Contentful Slugger
(Video) Netgen Layouts: Building Pages with Symfony, Chapter 18: The Skills List Page + A Grid of Skills
(Video) Netgen Layouts: Building Pages with Symfony, Chapter 19: Themes & Overriding Templates

They talked about us

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Creating a one endpoint api with PHP and Symfony (Part 3)
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