A Week of Symfony #841 (6-12 February 2023)

This week, Symfony development activity focused on fixing bugs on stable branches. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version improved the Bootstrap 5 form theme and switched to a faster hashing algorithm. Lastly, the SymfonyLive Paris 2023 conference published its entire schedule.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 65 pull requests were merged (39 in code and 26 in docs) and 40 issues were closed (20 in code and 20 in docs). Excluding merges, 25 authors made contributions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

5f8c7eb: stop using assertObjectHasAttribute()/assertObjectHasNotAttribute()
7d3175e, 59f2eba: [Tests] migrate data providers to static ones
fd2f680: [Serializer] fix CsvEncoder decode on empty data
aec2271: use TestCase suffix for abstract tests
aefdf42: [Mailer] add Sender to the list of bypassed headers
ec8d458: [HttpClient] fix over-encoding of URL parts to match browser’s behavior
f988bdd: [Notifier, WebProfilerBundle] ignore messages whose getNotification returns null
d75f031: [HttpClient] fix data collector
01409a5: [FrameworkBundle] fix checkboxes check assertions
41ed4aa: [FrameworkBundle] improve error message in MicroKernelTrait when using deprecated configureRoutes() method
0725a16: [DependencyInjection] keep proxy tag on original definition when decorating

6.2 changelog:

86ee658: [Cache] fix Redis proxies
bd4c57f: [Intl] generate all emoji short name returned by Slack API
f910435: [VarExporter] fix lazy-proxying readonly classes on PHP 8.3
50e2de9: [Form] check for RepeatedType child in PasswordHasherListener

6.3 changelog:

d0ef4f0: [TwigBridge] improve form_errors of bootstrap5 form theme
3e79a27: [Intl] fix script to update emoji list + build the list
01864ed: [Security] return 403 instead of 500 when no firewall is defined
55ab0ee: [Cache] sync RelayProxy with latest lazy-proxy changes
f1f0c2f: [Validator] LuhnValidator code optimization
7d9a82f: use xxh128 instead of md5
49b6ab8: [Messenger] allow passing a string instead of an array in TransportNamesStamp
d07cd3f: [Notifier] introduce FromNotificationInterface for MessageInterface implementations
039e883: [Notifier] make „from“ optional in Smsapi

Newest issues and pull requests

Enhance security by issuing a Clear-Site-Data header on logout
Add a normalization step for the user-identifier in firewalls
[HttpFoundation] Add getSanitizedName() method to UploadedFile
[HttpClient] allow upload in form to be transfer-encoded with base64

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 11: Serialization Tricks
(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 12: Pagination & Foundry Fixtures
(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 13: Filters: Searching Results
(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 14: PropertyFilter: Sparse Fieldsets
(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 15: More Formats: HAL & CSV
(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 16: Validation

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 10 February 2023
How to Fix Memory Leak in Doctrine Migrations
Fix Symfony tests with PHPUnit 10
Making a symfony third party bundle extensible
Serializing API outputs with Symfony serializer
Optimizing OneToMany Doctrine collections
How to add forms in Symfony 6
Migrating messenger queue from Doctrine to a different transport
Le pattern Stratégie avec Symfony
React dans Symfony avec Vite
Sentry’yi bir Symfony Projesi ile Entegre Etme
Докеризируем Symfony
Оптимизация OneToMany коллекций Doctrine

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