A Week of Symfony #842 (13-19 February 2023)

This week, Symfony continued introducing changes needed to make tests compatible with PhpUnit 10. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version continued adding PHP types to private methods and functions.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 49 pull requests were merged (42 in code and 7 in docs) and 23 issues were closed (12 in code and 11 in docs). Excluding merges, 24 authors made contributions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

672751b: [ErrorHandler] do not patch return statements in closures
cd34f41: [Cache] only validate dbindex parameter when applicable
74b5b25: [Tests] migrate tests to static data providers
737cc4c: [HttpKernel] fix setting the session on the main request when it’s started by a subrequest
8cf5f02: [Notifier] fix notifier profiler when transport name is null
eb9ff9b: [Cache] fix trying to load Memcached before checking we can
a9c2bce: [Notifier] make TransportTestCase data providers static
c15367e: [DependencyInjection] add doc for RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE behavior
c7a7cb8: use PHPUnit 9.6 to run Symfony’s test suite
703311e: [Notifier] replace tests dummy instances by already in place mocks
65c427d: [Intl] use TestCase suffix for abstract tests in Tests directories
29f46fc: make data providers for abstract test cases static

6.2 changelog:

a4ef214: [DependencyInjection] fix autowire attribute with nullable parameters
570776e: fix some version constraints

6.3 changelog:

69b2149: [HtmlSanitizer] remove experimental status
394ae7f: add PHP types to private methods and functions
f3dbf6c: [Filesystem] remove always true condition
e16aea4: [Yaml] fix parsing sub-second dates on x86
a294224: [Twig] remove Twig templates from preloading
c694ebb: add missing return types to interfaces
66966ed: [WebProfilerBundle] tweak Mailer panel rendering
f4eaacd: [DependencyInjection] add AsAlias attribute
0900333: [PropertyAccess] allow escaping in PropertyPath

Newest issues and pull requests

[Validator] Add an option to set a filename length limit
[RFC] Deprecate most of or all annotations?
Implement Enum->name in Yaml Symfony Component

Symfony CLI

Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing
Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the
Symfony Local Server,
the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released
its new 5.5.0
version with the following changes:

feat: Support dumping TLS keylog in NSS format for debugging (@siketyan)
feat: Support ‚SSLKEYLOGFILE‘ environment variable (@siketyan)
feat: Show warning message if TLS key logging is enabled (@siketyan)
feat: Prefer environment variable than config or console argument (@siketyan)
Use rel=“noopener“ for links injected in Symfony’s WDT (@tucksaun)
Treat any service using usual HTTP ports as an HTTP service (@tucksaun)
Support Kibana as service, refs #197 (@tucksaun)
Remove github.com/spf13/viper from the vendors (@tucksaun)
Reformat very long URL line (@quentint)
Refacto: Make the console handles SSLKEYLOGFILE env variable precedences (@tucksaun)
Proxy: allow to by-pass some local domains (@tucksaun)
Fix missing parameter (@tucksaun)
Fix bad printf pattern for links in local:open:* commands (@tucksaun)
Fix Composer script detection when it uses an absolute shebang path (@tucksaun)
Detect Scoop installation of composer, fix #136 (@tucksaun)
Add links to every HTTP services found into the Symfony WDT (@tucksaun)
Add a new more generic local:open:service command (@tucksaun)
Add MongoDB env vars to match Flex recipes default config (@quentint)

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 17: Creating a User Entity
(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 18: User API Resource
(Video) API Platform 3: Mythically Good RESTful APIs, Chapter 19: Relating Resources

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqu̩ Р17 February 2023
A practical example of using Symfony PropertyInfo component

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