A Week of Symfony #848 (27 March – 2 April 2023)

This week, Symfony 5.4.22 and 6.2.8 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, we published a recap of the SymfonyLive Paris 2023 conference and announced the last days of the Early Bird of SymfonyCon 2023. Lastly, we published an article detailing the migration of symfony.com search engine to Meilisearch.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 51 pull requests were merged (37 in code and 14 in docs) and 22 issues were closed (14 in code and 8 in docs). Excluding merges, 27 authors made 11,488 additions and 9,221 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

020f0f9: [FrameworkBundle] fix wiring session.handler when handler_id is null
2ed1fef: [FrameworkBundle] add missing monolog channel tag for messenger services
2794527: [Cache] fix storing binary keys when using pgsql
96b9f0f: [Translation] TranslatorBag::diff now iterates over catalogue domains instead of operation domains
ba8080d: [HttpClient] fix not calling the on progress callback when canceling a MockResponse
9d6fdbf: [FrameworkBundle] enable metadata cache when annotation is disabled
6895b5c: [TwigBridge] fix raw content rendering in HTML notification emails
dc6c016: [Serializer] preserve array keys while denormalize variadic parameters

6.2 changelog:

eb9f258: [Console] add missing ZSH mention in DumpCompletionCommand help
3b9fa3c: [DependencyInjection] filter „container.excluded“ services when using findTaggedServiceIds()
ad2b68b: [FrameworkBundle] fix auto-discovering validator constraints
dc6c016: [Serializer] preserve array keys while denormalize variadic parameters
4f2aaf9: [Serializer] fix serialized path for non-scalar values
bf65d7b: [FrameworkBundle] fix services usages output for text descriptor
6b9538b: [Form] CollectionType apply prototypeOptions to ResizeFormListener new fields
1753ad9: [FrameworkBundle] fix registering ExpressionValidator

6.3 changelog:

27401c4: [Console, DoctrineBridge] remove backticks from exception messages
5852860: [Serializer] allow filtering „object“ when using „getSupportedTypes()“
90f459c: replace „use-by-ref“ by static vars when possible in closures
827dbbf: [Form] use static closures when possible
99081f9: [DependencyInjection] add support for #[Autowire(lazy: class-string)]
b6e9b28: [DependencyInjection] add support for casting callables into single-method interfaces
fdbd4c1: [DependencyInjection] add container.excluded tag on classes autodiscovered but excluded
36bb70a: [VarDumper] add Caster::PATTERN_PRIVATE to help building key
2be7e2d: [Scheduler] debug:schedule refinements
4fd8dcc: [Cache] fix DBAL deprecations and stop using NUL chars in tags prefix
f2ff84f: [Notifier] add SimpleTextin bridge
9a856fc: [HttpClient] add ServerSentEvent::getArrayData() to get the SSE’s data decoded as an array directly
ff361c8: [DependencyInjection] add constructor option to #[Autoconfigure]
cc7cdf2: [Validator] improve entropy estimation in PasswordStrengthValidator

Newest issues and pull requests

Arbitrary security restriction in UserBadge
[TwigBridge] Add current locale to AppVariable service

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 10: Access Token Authenticator
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 11: Customizing the OpenAPI Docs
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 12: API Token Scopes
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 13: Deny Access with The „security“ Option
(Video) API Platform 3: Security for your Treasures, Chapter 14: Bootstrapping a Killer Test System

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 31 March 2023
Symfony ImportMaps: Manage Your JavaScript Dependencies Without Node
How To Send Email Using Mailtrap In Symfony 6
Love HATEOAS with Symfony and API Platform
Notre retour sur le SymfonyLive Paris 2023
Symfony Webhook et RemoteEvent, ou comment simplifier la gestion d’événements externes

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