A Week of Symfony #875 (2-8 October 2023)

This week, Symfony celebrated the SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 conference with great success. Meanwhile, development activity focused on the upcoming Symfony 6.4 and 7.0 versions, mostly on the new features added to the AssetMapper component.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 86 pull requests were merged (52 in code and 34 in docs) and 65 issues were closed (41 in code and 24 in docs). Excluding merges, 41 authors made 4,578 additions and 2,145 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

7aaa92a: [Form] make FormPerformanceTestCase compatible with PHPUnit 10
adcd3d0: [Security] fix resetting traceable listeners
8dc9fee: [Validator] add missing italian translations

6.3 changelog:

d14d1a9: [FrameworkBundle] fix call to invalid method in NotificationAssertionsTrait
7aaa92a: [Form] make FormPerformanceTestCase compatible with PHPUnit 10
82f21e8: [HttpClient] fix type error with http_version 1.1
bfd2f7d: [Serializer] fix order array sum normalizedData and nestedData

6.4 changelog:

19f0093: [TwigBridge] add FormLayoutTestCase class
e11ae31: [Security] make impersonation_path() argument mandatory and add impersonation_url()
a257327: [Messenger] fix WrappedExceptionsTrait
b3c91c2: [FrameworkBundle] remove validator.expression_language_provider when expression language isn’t installed
f7bfffa: move UriSigner from HttpKernel to HttpFoundation package
693276e: [FrameworkBundle] add HttpClientAssertionsTrait which provide shortcuts to assert HTTP calls was triggered
96687e3: [Notifier] transport possible to have null
1dcdb66: [HttpFoundation] fix type of properties in Request class
34a93ef: [Messenger] resend failed retries back to failure transport
d14d1a9: [FrameworkBundle] fix call to invalid method in NotificationAssertionsTrait
c85f224: [Mailer] use idn encoded address otherwise Brevo throws an error
0c8cb7e: [DoctrineBridge] pass Request to EntityValueResolver expression
f149841: [AssetMapper] add audit command
8b420d4: [Form] add duplicate_preferred_choices option to ChoiceType
d27190a: [AssetMapper] fix unit test in assetmapper auditor
95fa158: [DependencyInjection] add #[AutowireIterator] attribute and improve #[AutowireLocator]
204381b: [AssetMapper] always downloading vendor files
8ac7385: [Messenger] mention the transport which failed during the setup command
d8397de: [AssetMapper] fix entrypoint scripts are not preloaded

7.0 changelog:

039eecb: update the design of the Symfony Welcome Page

Newest issues and pull requests

[Framework] trusted_proxies: private_ranges
Make Workflow using PropertyAccess
[Clock][RFC] pass DateTinterval or DateInterface to ClockInterface::sleep()
[FrameworkBundle] Add option to disable the automatic resource tracking for serializer / validation / translator components
Do not add a ReflectionClassResource to the container when class is annotated with #[Excluded]

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
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Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

These were some of the most relevant SymfonyCasts updates
of the week:

(Video) API Platform 3 Part 3: Custom Resources, Chapter 21: Leveraging the Core Processor
(Video) API Platform 3 Part 3: Custom Resources, Chapter 22: Controlling Fields without Groups
(Video) API Platform 3 Part 3: Custom Resources, Chapter 23: Other Conditional Field Strategies

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 29 September 2023
Clean controllers in Symfony (II): response handling
How to test a private service in Symfony
Optimizing Performance with Early Hints in Symfony 6.3
Similarities Between Spryker and Symfony
The Ultimate Guide to Stress-Free Symfony App Management with Supervisord
Optimisation des Performances avec les Early Hints dans Symfony 6.3
Symfony à toute vitesse : Boostez votre développement avec Hotwire, ImportMaps et SymfonyUX

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