A Week of Symfony #895 (19-25 February 2024)

This week, development activity focused on the upcoming Symfony 7.1 version. We optimized the generation of some UUIDs, improved the autocompletion feature in the console and made AutowirePass reentrant in preparation for further improvements.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 39 pull requests were merged (27 in code and 12 in docs) and 20 issues were closed (16 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 25 authors made 892 additions and 267 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

ed7d7aa: [Cache] explicitly cast boolean SSL stream options
1ba6fe3: [WebProfilerBundle] disable turbo in web profiler toolbar to avoid link prefetching
6438969: [FrameworkBundle] fix config builder with extensions extended in build()
45c63b2: [Console] fix display of Table on Windows OS
9c6da5e: [ErrorHandler] return the unchanged text if preg_replace_callback() fails
21afb26: [ErrorHandler] fix parsing messages that contain anonymous classes on PHP >= 8.3.3
208f6d9: [Messenger] fix the ‚use_notify‘ option is on the factory, not on the postgres connection
ecb2145: [Serializer] fix unknown types normalization type when known type
1a4748e: [DependencyInjection] fix computing error messages involving service locators
85d0165: [Config, Messenger, Security] don’t turn deprecations into exceptions when unserializing
89d5eb2: [Validator] update Swedish translation
526bb8b: [Validator] update Romanian translation

6.4 changelog:

faac38c: [Process] fix the command -v exception
2735cf4: [AssetMapper] fix enquoted string pattern
243db27: [Console] fix display of vertical Table on Windows OS

7.0 changelog:

fce2d88: [Translation] fix extracting qualified t() function calls

7.1 changelog:

86b07f0: [Uid] optimize UuidV4 generation
73f8713: [Console] add descriptions to Fish completion output
6719e0a: [Form] throw error if the number is too high on moneyTransformer
e9c4a6c: [Clock] add get/setMicroseconds()
17c5508: [Notifier] add SMSense bridge
f78f932: [Messenger] automatically reconnect on AMQP connection loss
82acd7a: [DependencyInjection] make AutowirePass reentrant

Newest issues and pull requests

[AssetMapper] Allow to import assets from URL or using other resolvers
[RFC][MapRequestPayload] Allow to transmit informations to validator’s Callback
[Mailer] Allow data part add from WrappedEmailTemplate
Make optimized tag aware DoctrineDBALAdapter for cache
[Workflow] Be able to execute more definition validator
[FrameworkBundle] Increase log level of PHP notice and warning
Support Doctrine DBAL 4

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

This week, SymfonyCasts published the following updates:

(Live Stream) Live Stream #10: Finishing the LiveComponents data-live-action-args Syntax Change
(Video) Upgrading & What’s in Symfony 7: New Component: Scheduler

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 23 February 2024
Symfony Multi-Tenant Applications with Ecotone
Use State Processors and Providers on API Platform 3
Symfony — Azure Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client bundle
Unveiling the Power of Dependency Injection in Symfony
Decoupling Logic Through Custom Events in Symfony
Symfony — Functional Tests for Standalone Bundles
Itérations vers le DDD et la clean architecture avec Symfony (2/2)
Как ошибки проектирования при разработке на Symfony могут привести к перерасходу ресурсов и замедлению работы системы

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