A Week of Symfony #896 (26 February – 3 March 2024)

This week, Symfony 5.4.36, 6.4.4 and 7.0.4 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 7.1 version focused on finishing some minor new features.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 38 pull requests were merged (17 in code and 21 in docs) and 33 issues were closed (29 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 26 authors made 782 additions and 207 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

dc1da9c: [Routing] enhance error handling in StaticPrefixCollection for compatibility with libpcre2-10.43
ac07f3e: [DoctrineBridge] safeguard dynamic access to Doctrine metadata properties
bb7c711: [HttpClient] fix deprecation on PHP 8.3
1f386a3: [Security, Tests] update functional tests to better reflect end-user scenarios

6.4 changelog:

2e4de58: [VarExporter] bugfix/workaround jit issue
b701ca3: [HttpKernel] allow tagged controllers in ControllerResolver
182e93e: [Mailer] remove tags from mandatory event arguments in Brevo
91278da: [AssetMapper] fix JavaScriptImportPathCompiler regression in regex
ff08e9e: [Clock] add attributes to support PHPUnit 10 + 11

7.0 changelog:

f8611cf: [Validator] simplify NoSuspiciousCharactersValidator

7.1 changelog:

9e810de: [Lock] make NoLock implement the SharedLockInterface
31a9b35: [AssetMapper] deprecate unused method splitPackageNameAndFilePath

Newest issues and pull requests

[RFC] AssetMapper: use module key file when available
[RFC] display console diff when using debug:config and config:dump-reference
Inconsistency in html5 support for fields
[Messenger] Provide a deduplication strategy to Queue

SymfonyCasts Updates

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This week, SymfonyCasts published the following updates:

(Article) Live Components + Turbo Streams: Navigating a Turbo Frame
(Live Stream) Live Stream #11: Turbo Morph Updates & Autocomplete morphing work
(Video) Cosmic Coding with Symfony 7: Setting up our Symfony App
(Video) Cosmic Coding with Symfony 7: Getting to Know our Tiny Project
(Video) Cosmic Coding with Symfony 7: Routes, Controllers & Responses
(Video) Cosmic Coding with Symfony 7: Magical Flex Recipes
(Video) Cosmic Coding with Symfony 7: Twig & Templates

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 01 March 2024
Symfony 7 Courses Are Now Available!
How To Implement OTP Authentication in Symfony With WhatsApp
Symfony — Detect All Changes On Doctrine Entities
Enhancing Code Decoupling in Symfony with Immutable Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
Building a design system in a few hours with Symfony
Upgrade to Symfony v7

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