A Week of Symfony #926 (23-29 September 2024)

This week, the upcoming Symfony 7.2 version added new features such as support for defining trusted hosts and headers using env vars, improve the debug:asset-mapper command to search and filter assets and allow request parsers to return multiple RemoteEvent in webhooks. In addition, we published more talks for the SymfonyCon Vienna 2024 conference.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 63 pull requests were merged (48 in code and 15 in docs) and 30 issues were closed (24 in code and 6 in docs). Excluding merges, 24 authors made 73,034 additions and 18,828 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

de1a6ac: tweak error/exception handler registration
db53279: [Dotenv] default value can be empty
459590d: [TwigBridge] remove usage of Node() instantiations
2be812d: [Console] suppress proc_open errors within Terminal::readFromProcess
fe74ff3: [DependencyInjection] fix XmlFileLoader not respecting when env for services

6.4 changelog:

4b2ebd9: [Cache] silence warnings issued by Redis Sentinel on connection issues
8d7f2d5: [Mailer] fix exception message on invalid event in SendgridPayloadConverter
153bafb: [Emoji] update data to support emoji 16
fc4825e: [Translation] fix extracting of message from trans() method with named params
3f7b547: [TwigBridge] fixed a parameterized choice label translation
fa06f56: [HttpClient] add crypto_method to scoped client options
2be812d: [Console] suppress proc_open errors within Terminal::readFromProcess
a3d872c: [TwigBridge] remove VersionAwareTest from AbstractLayoutTestCase
15b4d93: [DependencyInjection] add coverage for error cases of LazyClosure and AutowireLocator

7.1 changelog:

3c7124e: [Serializer] readd AdvancedNameConverterInterface to MetadataAwareNameConverter
2d645ef: [PropertyInfo] fix bigint extraction with type info

7.2 changelog:

2ffd266: [Yaml] use CPP in Dumper
082c586: [DependencyInjection] rename non-empty parameter methods
db47683: fix $this calls to static ones when relevant
e7589c1: get rid of getInvocationCount() calls in tests
ac32f54: fix named parameters in data providers
1687641: [WebProfilerBundle] update the contents of the Config panel
464dd4b: miscellaneous tests improvements
1b13c33: [AssetMapper] search & filter assets in debug:asset-mapper command
6d1aa36: [Messenger] allow to skip message in FailedMessagesRetryCommand
9bc8007: [Serializer] deprecate AdvancedNameConverterInterface
0ff1704: [Webhook] allow request parsers to return multiple RemoteEvent
d1e909a: [HttpKernel] improve accessibility of the Symfony Welcome Page
7e1efbe: [Validator] do not skip tests from data providers

Newest issues and pull requests

[DependencyInjection] Add support for autowiring parent contructor
[DebugBundle] Add chronological overview of dispatched events and triggered listeners in profiler
[Mailer][Mime] Support unicode email addresses
[String] Add the AbstractString::kebab() method
[Mailer][Webhook] Mailtrap webhook support

SymfonyCasts Updates

SymfonyCasts is the official way to learn Symfony.
Select a track for a guided path through 100+ video tutorial courses about
Symfony, PHP and JavaScript.

This week, SymfonyCasts published the following updates:

(Video) Design Patterns Episode 2: The Abstract Factory Pattern
(Video) Design Patterns Episode 2: Factory Pattern in the Real World

They talked about us

Symfony & Doctrine Migrations: Validation in CI
Passkey Authentication Guide for Symfony
How to manage multiple processes with Symfony Lock
SignatureCheckListener With Symfony’s AsEventListener Attribute
Small Swoole Symfony Http Client 1.0.0
Symfony 7 — Twig extension for Stimulus values
Le cache dans les applications web : le secret des performances

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