Last talks and speakers announced at SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Summer Edition

We are so excited to meet you online next month for SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Summer Edition on June 16-17 2022. Get ready for 2 exciting days of online conferences in English. Turn on your computer and enjoy the international online Symfony conference from home!

We’ve recently announced more talks and speakers for the upcoming online conference, read our blog post to check out the 5 talks and speakers announced last week. Today, we have the great pleasure to announce the last talks and speakers selected at SymfonyWorld Online 2022 Summer Edition. We are very happy to welcome:

Fabien Potencier, Symfony founder/project lead, will be speaking at the opening „Keynote“ on Thursday June 16th 2022.
Sherri Wheeler, Full-stack PHP/JS developer, will talk about „Controlling Smart Light Bulbs with Symfony Console and PHP“.
PHP isn’t all work and no play… in fact there are a growing number of uses for PHP in the home automation industry. In this talk we’ll create a basic app with Symfony Console then use an existing library to connect to and control a pair of Philips Hue smart light bulbs. From authorizing our application to talk to the bridge, to finding the lights available to the fun of switching their state, brightness, colour and more. This intermediate topic will expand the range of uses we can turn to PHP for.
Marcin Czarnecki, Tech Leader, will explain „PHP toolbox – How to improve code quality and deliver faster“.
Code review or Continues Integration pipelines has becomes the standard procedures in most of PHP projects. With yearly PHP releases and even more frequent Symfony releases sometimes it hard to keep projects up to date. What tools can help us to limit amount of maintenance in our projects? What could be automated? How usage of those tools will impact our delivery?
Paula Čučuk, Lead Backend Developer, will give a talk entitled „When you get lost in API testing“.
If you are not writing tests yet, you should start. Tests will improve the quality of your code, reduce bugs and probably force you to think more about design and quality. Actually, the hardest thing is to start and figure out which type of tests to write. So you start researching and you find a lot of different materials and get even more confused. Even when you decide what type of tests to use, it can be hard to decide how to test some specific logic in your app. Don’t give up! I have some tips I learned along the way that will hopefully make your life easier. In this talk you will hear about different test types and when to use them. I’ll also show some tools for checking quality of your test.
Ryan Weaver, Symfony Core Team member, Lead of its documentation and Tutorial Storyteller, will detail „Symfony UX: New Components, Live Twig & More Updates!“.
Symfony has a JavaScript ecosystem! We call it Symfony UX, but it’s really a set of frontend tools to help you quickly solve real problems (e.g. crop an image)… with little or no custom code.
In this talk, we’ll get a quick intro into Symfony UX, including Stimulus – the backbone for writing JavaScript – and some of the core „components“, including „Live Twig Components“: the Swiss army knife of your frontend stack.
Then… I want to show you new stuff! Several new components that solve common frontend problems and a fresh way to preview & demo every part of Symfony UX.

The entire conference schedule including all the times for each talk is available! Have a look at the conference schedule and join us. Book your conference ticket now!

The online conference comes with 2 pre-conference workshop days on June 14-15 2022. Find out the online workshop you need to get trained on Symfony latest features! All workshops are organized in English.

See you online next month!

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