New in Symfony 5.3: Logging Improvements

Reset Loggers on Messenger Workers

Contributed by
Laurent Voullemier
in #40761.

One of the most important elements of the Messenger component are the workers
that handle and process the messages. In Symfony 4.4 we improved workers to
automatically clear the Doctrine entity manager after each message is processed
(or failed) to avoid having issues with outdated entities.

In Symfony 5.3 we’ve improved workers again to reset loggers automatically
after each message is handled (or failed). This will prevent issues like
keeping previous log messages in memory when using buffered log handlers.
Upgrading your application to Symfony 5.3 will enable this feature automatically,
so you don’t need to configure anything in your application or change your code.

Log Deprecations into a Separate File

Contributed by
Michael Käfer
in #39098.

Symfony’s backward compatibility promise ensures that you can update your
applications between minor and patch versions of Symfony without having to
change your code to make it work with the new or changed Symfony features.

The key of this policy are the deprecations, which are messages that warn you
early about the features that will change/disappear in future major versions of
Symfony. When running tests with the Symfony PHPUnit bridge you see the list
of deprecations in the console output. However, in complex applications this
list is so long that is not practical.

That’s why in Symfony 5.3 you have the option to log deprecations into a
separate file
when running tests. To do so, use the new logFile option
of the SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER environment variable:

$ SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=‚logFile=/path/to/deprecations.log‘ ./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit
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