New in Symfony 6.2: Finder Improvements

The Finder component provides utilities to find files/directories via multiple
filter and sort methods. In Symfony 6.2 we’re adding new sorting methods to it.

Contributed by
Robert Fischer

in #46591.

The Finder component already includes methods to filter files/directories by file
extension and or/size, but you couldn’t sort results based on them. In Symfony 6.2
we’ve added new methods to sort by file extension and/or size:

use SymfonyComponentFinderFinder;

$finder = (new Finder())
// …

Contributed by
Hubert Moreau

in #46126.

In Symfony 6.2 we’ve also added a new method to sort files/directories by their
names in a case-insensitive way. Internally, it uses the strcasecmp() PHP
function to perform the sorting:

$finder = (new Finder())
// …

// this sorts results case-insensitive and using the „machine sorting“ algorithm
// e.g. „file1.txt“, „File10.txt“, „File2.txt“, „file3.txt“

// this sorts results case-insensitive and using the „natural sorting“ algorithm
// e.g. „file1.txt“, „File2.txt“, „file3.txt“, „File10.txt“

Because of their own nature, all these new methods need to retrieve all results
before sorting them, so they can impact performance.

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