News News rund um das Thema PHP

SymfonyLive Paris 2025, conference in French language only, will take place from March 27 to 28! The schedule…

Latest PECL Releases: ip2proxy 3.1.0 Added ip2proxy_get_fraud_score function. protobuf 4.30.0RC1 * See for release notes. Read…

This week, the upcoming Symfony 7.3 version improved the server event streaming, introduced a new DeduplicateMiddleware in Messenger…

SymfonyLive Berlin 2025, conference held in English, will take place from April 1 to 4! The schedule is…

Get ready, Montreal! The Full Stack Gurus meetup is back in 2025, and we can't wait to reconnect…

PHP continues to be a cornerstone of web development, powering millions of websites around the world. Its vibrant…