PhpStorm 2021.3.1 is released

The first bug-fix update for PhpStorm 2021.3 is now available.

You can update to it using the Toolbox App or right from inside the IDE. You can also download PhpStorm 2021.3.1 from the website.

Besides bug fixes and enhancements, this release brings an important new feature: trusted projects.

Trusted projects

This release introduces the concept of trusted projects, designed to mitigate the risks associated with working with projects from unknown and untrusted sources.

When you open a project, PhpStorm doesn’t execute any code from it and checks whether it is trusted or from a trusted location. If the project currently is not trusted, the IDE will ask you to choose whether to open it in safe mode or full-trust mode.

If you open a project in safe mode, many IDE features, such as error highlighting, will be disabled. However, you can still browse the project’s contents and open its source files in the editor.

The IDE will also warn you about all potential code execution, which includes running Composer commands and refreshing the versions for configured test frameworks and PHP command-line tools.

To avoid showing warnings for every project, PhpStorm lets you define trusted locations under Preferences/Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Trusted Locations. Projects in directories specified as “Trusted Locations” are always considered trusted. To ensure that you get the untrusted project warnings only when something out of the ordinary is happening, it is recommended adding the directory where you usually create projects to trusted locations.

If you want to disable the untrusted project warnings, you can add your machine’s root directory to the trusted locations. But since this could potentially leave you open to an attack, it is generally not recommended.

Notable updates in this build:

Other notable changes

Fixed: Yarn PnP: Indirect dependencies are not indexed (WEB-42178 +34)
Fixed: Tailwind 3: Completion for classes doesn’t work (WEB-53284 +23)
Fixed: Accidental tool window drag’n’drop instead of resizing (IDEA-274904 +19)
Fixed: Incorrect results in DateTime columns with Clickhouse (DBE-7770 +14)
Angular: support events from custom EventManagerPlugin (WEB-47399 +13)
Support v-bind CSS function in Vue Single-File Components. (WEB-52425 +13)
Fixed: ESLint 8.0: doesn’t work with YarnPnP (WEB-52594 +13)
Fixed: Sass @use / @import statements without tilde aren’t being resolved correctly (WEB-53120 +13)
Provide the text search in the Quick Documentation (Ctrl + Q) (IDEA-152644 +9)
Fixed: @import in LESS does not resolve packages in node_modules if `~` is omitted (WEB-49795 +7)
Fixed: Performance problem after running http tests (IDEA-278252 +6)
Fixed: HTTPRequest: broken inside client.test callback (IDEA-283799 +6)
Fixed: @import in scss does not resolve packages in node_modules (WEB-30607 +5)
Fixed: Directory content is not shown in Bookmarks list (IDEA-283144 +5)
Add support for conditional optionallity of parameters in stubs (WI-61718 +3)

The full list of changes is available in the release notes.

And as always, please feel free to report any issues you encounter to our tracker or here in the comments.

See you in 2022! Stay safe, healthy, and productive!

Your JetBrains PhpStorm team
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