Symfony 5.2.8 released

Symfony 5.2.8 has just been released. Here is a list of the most
important changes:

security #cve-2021-21424 [Security][Guard] Prevent user enumeration (@chalasr)
bug #41176 [DependencyInjection] fix dumping service-closure-arguments (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #41174 [Console] Fix Windows code page support (@orkan)
bug #41173 [Security] Make Login Rate Limiter also case insensitive for non-ascii user identifiers (@Seldaek)
bug #41168 WDT: Only load “Sfjs” if it is not present already (@weaverryan)
bug #41147 [Inflector][String] wrong plural form of words ending by “pectus” (@makraz)
bug #41160 [HttpClient] Don’t prepare the request in ScopingHttpClient (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #41156 [Security] Make Login Rate Limiter case insensitive (@jderusse)
bug #41137 [Security] Reset limiters on successful login (@MatTheCat)
bug #40758 [Security] NullToken signature (@jderusse)
bug #40763 Fix/Rewrite .gitignore regex builder (@mvorisek)
bug #41113 [Console] Fix Windows code page support (@orkan)
bug #40902 [Security] Allow ips parameter in acces _control to accept comma-separated string (@edefimov)
bug #40980 [TwigBridge] Fix HTML for translatable custom-file label in Bootstrap 4 theme (@acran)
bug #40955 [Notifier] [Bridge] Fix missed messageId for SendMessage object in slack notifier (@WaylandAce)
bug #40943 [PropertyInfo] PhpDocExtractor: Handle “true” and “false” property types (@Maciej Zgadzaj)
bug #40759 [Form] Add missing TranslatableMessage support to choic _label option of ChoiceType (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #40917 [Config][DependencyInjection] Uniformize trailing slash handling (@dunglas)
bug #40699 [PropertyInfo] Make ReflectionExtractor correctly extract nullability (@shiftby)
bug #40874 [PropertyInfo] fix attribute namespace with recursive traits (@soullivaneuh)
bug #40957 [PhpUnitBridge] Fix tests with @doesNotPerformAssertions annotations (@alexpott)
bug #41099 [Cache] Check if phpredis version is compatible with stream parameter (@nicolassing)
bug #40982 [Notifier] Fix return SentMessage then Messenger not used (@WaylandAce)
bug #41072 [VarExporter] Add support of PHP enumerations (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #41104 Fix return type in isAllowedProperty method on ReflectionExtractor class (@Tomanhez)
bug #41078 [Notifier] Make FailoverTransport always pick the first transport (@jschaedl)
bug #41105 [Inflector][String] Fixed singularize edges > edge (@ruudk)
bug #41075 [ErrorHandler] Skip “same vendor” @method deprecations for Symfonyclasses unless symfony/symfony is being tested (@nicolas-grekas)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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