Symfony 5.4.0 released

Symfony 5.4.0 has just been released. Here is a list of the most
important changes:

bug #44309 [Messenger] Leverage DBAL’s getNativeConnection() method (@derrabus)
bug #44300 [FrameworkBundle] Fix property-info phpstan extractor discovery (@1ed)
feature #44271 [Notifier] add Vonage bridge to replace the Nexmo one (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44187 [Translation] [Loco] Fix idempotency of LocoProvider write method (@welcoMattic)
bug #43992 [Security] Do not overwrite already stored tokens for REMOTE_USER authentication (@stlrnz)
bug #43876 [Validator] Fix validation for single level domains (@HypeMC)
bug #44327 [Debug][ErrorHandler] Increased the reserved memory from 10k to 32k (@sakalys)
bug #44261 [Process] intersect with getenv() in case-insensitive manner to get default envs (@stable-staple)
bug #44295 [Serializer] fix support for lazy/unset properties (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44277 [Notifier] Fix AllMySms bridge body content (@afiocre)
bug #44269 [DoctrineBridge] Revert “ add support for the JSON type“ (@dunglas)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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