Symfony 6.0.2 released

Symfony 6.0.2 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.0.1:

bug #44828 [Lock] Release DoctrineDbalPostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure (@simon-watiau)
bug #44838 [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix enum typed bindings (@ogizanagi)
bug #44723 [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure (simon-watiau)
bug #44826 [HttpKernel] Do not attempt to register enum arguments in controller service locator (@ogizanagi)
bug #44822 [Mime][Security] Fix missing sprintf and add tests (@alamirault)
bug #44824 [Mime] Fix missing sprintf in DkimSigner (@alamirault)
bug #44816 [Translation] [LocoProvider] Use rawurlencode and separate tag setting (@danut007ro)
bug #44805 [Security] fix unserializing session payloads from v4 (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44820 [Cache] Don’t lock when doing nested computations (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44807 [Messenger] fix Redis support on 32b arch (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44759 [HttpFoundation] Fix notice when HTTP_PHP_AUTH_USER passed without pass (@Vitali Tsyrkin)
bug #44809 [WebProfilerBundle] relax return type for memory data collector (@94noni)
bug #44799 [Cache] fix compat with apcu < 5.1.10 (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44764 [Form] Expand FormView key to include int (@biozshock)
bug #44730 [Console] Fix autocompletion of argument with default value (@GromNaN)
bug #44637 [PropertyInfo] PhpStan extractor nested object fix (@rmikalkenas)
bug #44085 [Translation] Fix TranslationPullCommand with ICU translations (@Kocal)
bug #44578 [PropertyInfo] Fix phpstan extractor issues (@ostrolucky)
bug #44771 [Notifier] Use correct factory for the msteams transport (@veewee)
bug #44618 [HttpKernel] Fix SessionListener without session in request (@shyim)
bug #44743 [HttpClient] fix checking for recent curl consts (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44752 [Security/Http] Fix cookie clearing on logout (@maxhelias)
bug #44745 [EventDispatcher][HttpFoundation] Restore return type to covariant IteratorAggregate implementations (@derrabus)
bug #44732 [Mime] Relaxing in-reply-to header validation (@ThomasLandauer)
bug #44714 [WebProfilerBundle] fix Email HTML preview (@94noni)
bug #44737 Fix Psr16Cache not being compatible with non-Symfony cache pools (@colinodell)
bug #44728 [Mime] Fix encoding filenames in multipart/form-data (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44602 [Serializer] Improve UidNormalizer denormalize error message (@fancyweb)
bug #44383 [Lock] Create tables in transaction only if supported by driver (@martinssipenko)
bug #44518 [HttpFoundation] Take php session.cookie settings into account (@simonchrz)
bug #44719 [ErrorHandler] fix on patching return types on Windows (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44710 [DependencyInjection] fix linting callable classes (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44639 [DependencyInjection] Cast tag attribute value to string (@ruudk)
bug #44473 [Validator] Restore default locale in ConstraintValidatorTestCase (@rodnaph)
bug #44682 [FrameworkBundle] alias to if using cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware (@kbond)
bug #44649 [HttpKernel] fix how configuring log-level and status-code by exception works (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44667 [Cache] Revert „feature #41989 make LockRegistry use semaphores when possible“ (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44671 [HttpClient] Fix tracing requests made after calling withOptions() (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44577 [Cache] Fix proxy no expiration to the Redis (@Sergey Belyshkin)
bug #44669 [Cache] disable lock on CLI (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44598 [Translation] Handle the blank-translation in Loco Adapter (@kgonella)
bug #44448 [Validator] Allow Sequence constraint to be applied onto class as an attribute (@sidz)
bug #44354 [RateLimiter] Make RateLimiter resilient to timeShifting (@jderusse)
bug #44600 [Serializer] Fix denormalizing custom class in UidNormalizer (@fancyweb)
bug #44537 [Config] In XmlUtils, avoid converting from octal every string starting with a 0 (@alexandre-daubois)
bug #44510 [Workflow] Fix eventsToDispatch parameter setup for StateMachine (@Olexandr Kalaidzhy)
bug #44625 [HttpClient] fix monitoring responses issued before reset() (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44623 [HttpClient] Fix dealing with „HTTP/1.1 000 “ responses (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44430 [PropertyInfo] Fix aliased namespace matching (@Korbeil)
bug #44601 [HttpClient] Fix closing curl-multi handle too early on destruct (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44554 Make enable_authenticator_manager true as there is no other way in Symfony 6 (@alexander-schranz)
bug #44571 [HttpClient] Don’t reset timeout counter when initializing requests (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #44479 [HttpClient] Double check if handle is complete (@Nyholm)
bug #44418 [DependencyInjection] Resolve ChildDefinition in AbstractRecursivePass (@fancyweb)
bug #44474 [Translation] [Bridge] [Lokalise] Fix push keys to lokalise. Closes #… (@olegmifle)
bug #43164 [FrameworkBundle] Fix cache pool configuration with one adapter and one provider (@fancyweb)
bug #44419 [PropertyAccess] Fix accessing public property on Object (@kevcomparadise)
bug #44565 [FrameworkBundle] Use correct cookie domain in loginUser() (@wouterj)
bug #44538 [Process] fixed uppercase ARGC and ARGV should also be skipped (@rbaarsma)
bug #44438 [HttpClient] Fix handling thrown Exception in Generator in MockResponse (@fancyweb)
bug #44469 [String] Fix requiring wcswitch table several times (@fancyweb)
bug #44428 [HttpClient] Fix response id property check in MockResponse (@fancyweb)
bug #44539 [Lock] Fix missing argument in PostgreSqlStore::putOffExpiration with DBAL connection (@GromNaN)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
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to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
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documentation to learn more.

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