Symfony 6.1.0 released

Symfony 6.1.0 has just been released.

Check the Living on the Edge
category on this blog to learn about the main features of this new stable release;
or check the release announcement of BETA1
to get the list of all new features.

Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.1.0-RC1:

bug #46453 [PropertyInfo] Fix resolution of partially docblock covered constructors (@ostrolucky)
bug #46454 [ExpressionLanguage] Fix null-safe chaining (@HypeMC)
bug #46386 [Console] Fix missing negative variation of negatable options in shell completion (@GromNaN)
bug #46387 [Console] Complete negatable options (Fish) (@GromNaN)
bug #46448 [DependencyInjection] Fix „proxy“ tag: resolve its parameters and pass it to child definitions (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #46442 [FrameworkBundle] Revert „bug #46125 Always add CacheCollectorPass (fancyweb)“ (@chalasr)
bug #46443 [DoctrineBridge] Don’t reinit managers when they are proxied as ghost objects (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #46427 [FrameworkBundle] fix wiring of annotations.cached_reader (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #46425 [DependencyInjection] Ignore unused bindings defined by attribute (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #46434 [FrameworkBundle] Fix BC break in abstract config commands (@yceruto)
bug #46424 [Form] do not accept array input when a form is not multiple (@xabbuh)
bug #46367 [Mime] Throw exception when body in Email attach method is not ok (@alamirault)
bug #46421 [VarDumper][VarExporter] Deal with DatePeriod->include_end_date on PHP 8.2 (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #46401 [Cache] Throw when „redis_sentinel“ is used with a non-Predis „class“ option (@buffcode)
bug #46414 Bootstrap 4 fieldset for row errors (@konradkozaczenko)
bug #46412 [FrameworkBundle] Fix dumping extension config without bundle (@yceruto)
bug #46385 [HttpKernel] New bundle path convention when AbstractBundle is used (@yceruto)
bug #46382 [HttpClient] Honor „max_duration“ when replacing requests with async decorators (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #46407 [Filesystem] Safeguard (sym)link calls (@derrabus)
bug #46098 [Form] Fix same choice loader with different choice values (@HeahDude)
bug #46380 [HttpClient] Add missing HttpOptions::setMaxDuration() (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #46377 [HttpKernel] Fix missing null type in ErrorListener::__construct() (@chalasr)
bug #46249 [HttpFoundation] [Session] Regenerate invalid session id (@peter17)
bug #46373 [HtmlSanitizer] Fix default config service definition (@wouterj)
bug #46328 [Config] Allow scalar configuration in PHP Configuration (@jderusse, @HypeMC)
bug #46366 [Mime] Add null check for EmailHeaderSame (@magikid)
bug #46361 [PropertyInfo] Ignore empty doc-block for promoted properties in PhpStanExtractor (@BoShurik)
bug #46364 [Config] Fix looking for single files in phars with GlobResource (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #46365 [HttpKernel] Revert „bug #46327 Allow ErrorHandler ^5.0 to be used“ (@nicolas-grekas)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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