Symfony 6.3.0-BETA2 released

Symfony 6.3.0-BETA2 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.3.0-BETA1:

bug #50249 [WebProfilerBundle] Explicit tab controls’ color as they can be buttons (@MatTheCat)
bug #50248 [TwigBundle] fixed wrong symfony/twig-bridge dependency version (@SVillette)
bug #50231 [AssetMapper] Fixing 2 bugs related to the compile command and importmaps (@weaverryan)
feature #49553 [Serializer] Add flag to require all properties to be listed in the input (Christian Kolb)
feature #50232 [AssetMapper] Better public without digest (@weaverryan)
bug #50214 [WebProfilerBundle] Remove legacy filters remnants (@MatTheCat)
bug #50235 [HttpClient] Fix getting through proxies via CONNECT (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #50241 [HttpKernel] Prevent initialising lazy services during services reset (@tucksaun)
bug #50244 [HttpKernel] Fix restoring surrogate content from cache (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #50246 [DependencyInjection] Do not check errored definitions’ type (@MatTheCat)
bug #49557 [PropertyInfo] Fix phpDocExtractor nullable array value type (@fabpot)
bug #50213 [ErrorHandler] Prevent conflicts with WebProfilerBundle’s JavaScript (@MatTheCat)
feature #49608 [OptionsResolver] add ignoreUndefined() method to allow skip not interesting options (Constantine Shtompel)
bug #50216 [DependencyInjection] Allow AutowireCallable without method (@derrabus)
bug #50192 [Serializer] backed enum throw notNormalizableValueException outside construct method (@alli83)
bug #50238 [HttpKernel] Don’t use eval() to render ESI/SSI (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #50224 [DoctrineBridge] skip subscriber if listener already defined (@alli83)
bug #50218 Profiler respect stateless attribute (@alamirault)
bug #50242 [ErrorHandler] Fix the design of the exception page tabs (@javiereguiluz)
feature #50219 [AssetMapper] Adding debug:assetmap command + normalize paths (@weaverryan)
bug #49760 [Serializer] Add missing withSaveOptions method to XmlEncoderContextBuilder (@mtarld)
bug #50226 [HttpClient] Ensure HttplugClient ignores invalid HTTP headers (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #50125 [HttpKernel] Fix handling of MapRequest* attributes (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #50215 [AssetMapper] Fixing wrong values being output in command (@weaverryan)
bug #50203 [Messenger] Fix registering message handlers (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #50204 [ErrorHandler] Skip Httplug deprecations for HttplugClient (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #50206 [AssetMapper] Fix import map package parsing with an @ namespace (@weaverryan)

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backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
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to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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