Symfony 6.3.4 released

Symfony 6.3.4 has just been released.
Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.3.3:

bug #51475 [Serializer] Fix union of enum denormalization (@mtarld)
bug #51474 [Serializer] Fix wrong InvalidArgumentException thrown (@mtarld)
bug #51494 Fixed attachment base64 content string in MailerSendApiTransport (@pavelwitassek)
bug #51350 [Security] Prevent creating session in stateless firewalls (@Seb33300)
bug #51104 [Security] Fix loading user from UserBadge (@guillaumesmo)
bug #51473 [VarDumper] Fix managing collapse state in CliDumper (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #51369 [Serializer] Fix deserializing object collection properties (@X-Coder264)
bug #51399 [Serializer] Fix deserializing of nested snake_case attributes using CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter (@Victor-Truhanovich)
bug #51456 [Serializer] Fix serialized name with groups during denormalization (@mtarld)
bug #51445 [Security] FormLoginAuthenticator: fail for non-string password (@dmaicher)
bug #51424 [HttpFoundation] Fix base URI detection on IIS with UrlRewriteModule (@derrabus)
bug #51396 [HttpKernel] Fix missing Request in RequestStack for StreamedResponse (Ismail Turan)
bug #51378 [Console] avoid multiple new line when message already ends with a new line in section output (@joelwurtz)
bug #51336 [Notifier] [Pushover] Fix invalid method call + improve exception message (@ahmedghanem00)
bug #51345 [AssetMapper] Fixing bug where a circular exception could be thrown while making error message (@weaverryan)
bug #48840 [Validator] Dump Valid constraints on debug command (@macintoshplus)
bug #51223 [Console] Fix linewraps in OutputFormatter (@maxbeckers)
bug #51307 [DependencyInjection] fix dump xml with array/object/enum default value (@Jean-Beru)
bug #51355 [Console] fix section output when multiples section with max height (@joelwurtz)
bug #51359 [Security] Fix error with lock_factory in login_throttling (@BaptisteContreras)
bug #51326 [FrameworkBundle] Fix xsd for handle-all-throwables (@Jean-Beru)
bug #51328 [Messenger] Always return bool from messenger amqp connection nack (@Danielss89)
bug #51295 [Mailer] update Brevo SMTP host (@bastien-wink)
bug #51301 [FrameworkBundle] add missing default-doctrine-dbal-provider cache pool attribute to XSD (@xabbuh)
bug #51296 [Process] Fix silencing wait when using a sigchild-enabled binary (@nicolas-grekas)
bug #51251 [DependencyInjection] Do not add return in LazyClosure when return type of closure is void (@ruudk)
bug #51219 [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix using #[AutowireCallable] with controller arguments (@HypeMC)
bug #51201 [Workflow] fix MermaidDumper when place contains special char (@lyrixx)
bug #49195 [Crawler] Fix regression where cdata nodes will return empty string (@NanoSector)
bug #51061 [DoctrineBridge] Bugfix – Allow to remove LazyLoaded listeners by object (@VincentLanglet)
bug #51190 [Clock] load function only if not loaded before (@xabbuh)

Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects
backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use
SymfonyInsight upgrade reports
to detect the code you will need to change in your project and
read our upgrade
documentation to learn more.

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