Symfony conferences – All you need to know for 2023

Are you a Symfony Developer, Symfony Newcomer, PHP developer, Drupal developer or an IT Professional? Plan your participation to the Symfony conferences of the year now! In 2023, we will organize the following conferences:

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 a physical conference for French-speaking developers:

Workshops: March 21 & 22 in Paris (or its suburbs)
Conference: March 23 & 24 at the Cité Internationale universitaire de Paris
Schedule: Call for papers is closed, we are currently finalizing the program. Stay tuned, we will soon announce the speakers and the titles of the talks.
Tickets: Buy your tickets here: conference only, workshops only, or a combo ticket. Don’t miss the deadline, regular prices ends on February 20th, 2023.

SymfonyOnline June 2023 an online conference in English:

Workshops: June 13 & 14 on zoom
Conference: June 15 & 16
Schedule: Call for papers is opened! until March 6, 2023. Submit your proposals now
Tickets: Buy your tickets here: conference only, workshops only, or a combo ticket. Be quick, early birds prices ends on January 13th, 2023.

SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 a world-wide physical conference in English:

Workshops: December 5 & 6
Conference: December 7 & 8 in the heart of the city center of Brussels (Belgium)
Schedule: Call for papers will open shortly, stay tuned!
Tickets: Buy your tickets here: conference only, workshops only, or a combo ticket. Save the date, early birds prices ends on April 3th, 2023.

Here a 5 reasons to attend the conferences:

1) Listen to the last news about Symfony in prime time by famous speakers from the community

2) Network with the community

3) Discover the latest updates and tools from the Symfony ecosystem

4) Ask all the questions you have about Symfony/PHP to the Symfony Core Team

5) Have fun in an inclusive and friendly environment!

Do you want to see a talk from a previous 2022 conference that you missed? Replays are still available! Buy a ticket for the conference of your choice.

Share your best practices, your experience and your knowledge about Symfony. Join us and be part of the @symfony community!

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