SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 : 4 days left to submit a talk!

SymfonyCon Brussels 2023, our annual International Symfony conference, will take place on December 7 & 8! It’s still possible to take advantage of regular tickets and start planning your participation now. Please note, you only have 4 days left to submit a talk! See more information below:

Call for papers is open for the last 4 days!

Submit now your talk proposal in English until August 28th, 2023!

Please take a few seconds to read the following information to increase your chances of selection:

SymfonyCon talks last for 30 minutes and are followed by 5 minutes for Q&A; Workshops can be 1 or 2 days.
Talks about Symfony and related projects (Twig, Doctrine, etc.) are prioritized over generic PHP talks. Original talks that haven’t been delivered in previous conferences are also prioritized.
You must have the rights to use your talk/workshop materials and you must be allowed to speak publicly about the project or topic you will present.
We usually receive lots of similar proposals; consider submitting several proposals to increase your chances of being selected.

A technical committee will select the sessions among the proposals received at the closing deadline. All speakers will be contacted by email.

Each selected speaker and trainer will receive a free ticket to attend the conference as well as a speaker gift! Speakers who do not live in Brussels will also have their travel and accommodation costs covered.

If you have never spoken at a conference before, our speaker mentoring program is for you! Experienced speakers will be happy to help you prepare for your conference, whether it’s preparing your slides or rehearsing your talk. You can also ask for advice on #speaker-mentoring channel on the Symfony Slack or in the comments when you send your talk / workshop proposal. More information can be found on this page.

Exchange ideas, develop your skills and discover the latest Symfony releases:

Take advantage of the regular tickets until October 16! Choose the ticket of your choice from:

„Workshops ticket“: December 5 & 6 for 2 days of workshops only
„Conference ticket“: December 7 & 8 for a 2-day conference
„Conference + Workshop combo ticket“: from December 5 to 8 for a full week of Symfony

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