SymfonyCon Brussels 2023: Static Analysis Crash Course for Framework Developers

SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 is just under 3 months away and will be held at the Square conference center on:

December 5-6: Workshop days. It is possible to attend 1 two-day training or 2 one-day trainings!
December 7-8: Conference days with 3 parallels tracks in English.

🎤 New speaker announcement!

We are thrilled to announce you the next speaker: Ondřej Mirtes (@OndrejMirtes), Creator of PHPStan, will present the topic „Static Analysis Crash Course for Framework Developers“:

„In recent years, static analysis tools like PHPStan have become super popular in the PHP world. These tools do something cool: they can spot all sorts of mistakes in your code before you even run it.

Usually, people try these tools on their own code. But if you’re the person behind a framework or library that others use, guess what? They’re probably using these tools too. So, the code people write using your stuff also needs to pass these checks.

This creates an extra thing you need to worry about. You’ve got to make sure your framework or library works nicely with these tools. And if you’re smart about it, you can even help guide other developers to use your code the right way.

In this talk, Ondřej will take you through three important steps:

1) Laying the Foundation: Ondřej will start by covering the essentials. This involves establishing a basic standard, ensuring that users achieve a green build when working with your framework.

2) Empowering with Strong Types: The second part focuses on the potential of strong types. We’ll explore how they can effectively steer users towards correct usage.

3) Going Advanced with Custom Rules: Lastly, Ondřej will teach you how to do something advanced but useful. You can create special checks for your framework using PHPStan. With examples from big frameworks like Symfony and Doctrine so you can see how it works.

By the end you’ll have the knowledge you need to make sure your framework works great, and people love using it.“

🔎 Read the detailed content of SymfonyCon Brussels 2023’s talks and workshops

The detailed schedule is available here. Further announcements will be made shortly, stay tuned!

Some of the exciting workshop topics are also available on this page!

🎟️ Select the ticket of your choice

Register by clicking on Buy ticket and benefit from the regular rate until October 16th (included).

„Workshops only“, December 5-6
„Conference only“, December 7-8
Combo ticket „Conference + Workshops“ to live a full Symfony week experience!

🇧🇪 Organize your participation by reading the attendee’s guide and complete your profile

Read our guide with all the information about the venue, accommodation, catering, etc.

Rooms have been pre-booked at negotiated rates in Brussels city center. Click here to have a look on the large choice of hotels with description and negotiated fee. Starting from Sunday, November 5th, preferential rates will no longer apply.

Complete your Symfony Live profile as soon as possible to let us know about your diet and whether you’d like to receive the conference t.shirt!

🎉 Plan to attend the evening at the Brussels Comics Museum on Thursday, December 7

Let’s get together for a friendly evening at the Brussels Comics Museum from 7:30 to 11:00 pm! The museum is just a 15-minute walk from the conference venue. Further information will be available soon.

💻 Save the date for the next Symfony hackathon right after the conference on Saturday, December 9

Everyone is welcome to join the hackday! Whether you’re an experienced contributor or new to the community, your participation is highly valued as it brings a fresh perspective! More details are available here. The hackathon will be hosted at Smile Benelux from 09.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. CET. Address: Avenue de Broqueville 12, 1150 Brussels.

💡 Follow the „conferences“ blog posts to not miss anything!

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