SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022: Dilemmas and decisions. What we’ve learned designing new Sylius API
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 will start in less than 3 months! Every day we lift the mystery a little more about the program that awaits you by revealing the identity of a speaker and the content of his talk. Today we present you:
Łukasz Chruściel (@lukaszchrusciel), Software Engineer for Sylius, who will talk about „Dilemmas and decisions. What we’ve learned designing new Sylius API“:
„Sylius and API Platform integration is the project that we started in early 2020. Since then, we were working hard designing, delivering and adjusting our new API. We’ve learned a lot and during my presentation, they would like to share our findings.
Why did we design our API this way?
What were our heuristics and what did we achieve?
How to design more complicated flows in API?„
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 is also:
2 days of workshops in small groups to learn, practice and improve your skills. Have a look on the workshop topics!
2 days of meetings between peers, discussions with sponsors, and interactions with speakers:
Fabien Potencier, Sebastian Bergmann, Marion Hurteau, Diego Aguiar, Ondřej Mirtes, Titouan Galopin, Pauline Vos, Tomas Votruba, David Buchmann, Alexander M. Turek, Isabel Garrido Cardenas, Stefan Koopmanschap, Mathieu Santostefano, Camille Jouan, Florent Destremau, Fred Plais & Leah Goldfarb and, Christopher Hertel.
REGISTER NOW and join us for this exciting event, be part of the @symfony community!
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