SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022: Observability tools: Who’s who?

We look forward to welcoming you to SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022. Today we are happy to announce you our next speaker:

Jérôme Vieilledent, DevRel Engineer at, who will talk about „Observability tools: Who’s who?“:

When it comes to application observability, different categories of tools are at our disposal: static code analyzers, profilers, APMs, to name a few. Like any good tool, they usually serve a specific purpose. In this presentation, we will explore the differences between these tools, to whom they’re dedicated, and see how complementary they are.

Do you know that you are only a few steps away from joining us at SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022?

1) Read the detailed talks and program:

Fabien Potencier, Sebastian Bergmann, Marion Hurteau, Diego Aguiar, Ondřej Mirtes, Titouan Galopin, Pauline Vos, Tomas Votruba, David Buchmann, Alexander M. Turek, Isabel Garrido Cardenas, Stefan Koopmanschap, Mathieu Santostefano, Camille Jouan, Florent Destremau, Fred Plais & Leah Goldfarb, Christopher Hertel, Łukasz Chruściel, Ivo Lukač, Tomasz Kowalczyk, Robin Chalas, Kévin Dunglas, Ryan Weaver, Claudio Zizza, Nathalie Harper, Erik Evrard, Mary Thomas, Shawna Spoor, and Jessica Orozco are part of our incredible team of speakers.

The detailed program is fully available online!

2) Register by clicking on „Buy tickets“

Don’t miss the deadlines, regular prices are available until October 17th!

3) Choose the ticket of your choice:

„Workshop only“, November 15-16, 10 workshops per day in small groups to learn, practice and improve your skills. Have a look on the workshop topics!

„Conference only“, November 17-18, 3 main tracks, 1 unconference track, + 38 speakers, a private evening in the Walt Disney studio

A combo ticket „Conference + Workshops“ to live „a week of Symfony“ experience!

4) Prepare your participation by booking your accommodation and transportation.

Please note that after October 25th we will not be able to guarantee availability and preferential rates for accommodation. More information on the blog post „All you need to know about accommodation“

5) Follow our conference blog posts to not miss anything!

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