A Week of Symfony #901 (1-7 April 2024)

This week, Symfony 5.4.38, 6.4.6 and 7.0.6 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the development activity on the upcoming Symfony 7.1 version was very intense because it just entered into the stabilization phase. Lastly, we published a recap of the SymfonyLive Paris 2024 conference.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 61 pull requests were merged (44 in code and 17 in docs) and 42 issues were closed (34 in code and 8 in docs). Excluding merges, 32 authors made 52,453 additions and 63,102 deletions. See details for code and docs.

5.4 changelog:

9b2436d: [Filesystem] use local PHP web server to test HTTP stream wrapper
931cb88: [Console] return null when message with name is not set
e9a7cb9: [FrameworkBundle] suppress PHP warning when is_readable() tries to access dirs outside of open_basedir restrictions
e483eee: [Filesystem] strengthen the check of file permissions in dumpFile
edb69e6: [DomCrawler] encode HTML entities only if nessecary
cfb999e: [HttpClient] fix consuming SSEs with rn separator in EventSourceHttpClient
22e9fd1: [Serializer] ignore when using #[Ignore] on a non-accessor
32e57aa: [Serializer] fix XML scalar to object denormalization
07b279c: [HttpFoundation] set content-type header in RedirectResponse
e88d61e: [Security] update Danish translations

6.4 changelog:

ff77282: [Translation] fix LocaleSwitcher throws when intl not loaded
8cf4923: [Serializer] reset backed_enum priority, and re-prioritise translatable
9c4adba: [Validator] accept Stringable in ExecutionContext::build/addViolation()
3b9f6b3: [Messenger] improve deadlock handling on ack() and reject()

7.0 changelog:

e928051: [Serializer] initialize serializer in trait with null

7.1 changelog:

53e80b4: remove unnecessary empty usages
4b659cb: [Emoji] udate slack data
cce36cd: [Emoji] add the gitlab locale
09437dc: [Security] support RSA algorithm signature for OIDC tokens
4ce4e5e: [DependencyInjection] prepending extension configs with file loaders
f082e56: [Validator] set the password strength as a violation parameter
3d81d39: [DependencyInjection] improve the error message when there is no extension to load some configuration
1c660fa: [Validator] add a requireTld option to Url constraint
19affe1: [PropertyInfo] deprecate PropertyInfo Type
d1f3ee8: [HttpFoundation] similar locale selection
9ece00c: [WebProfilerBundle] update the search links in the profiler layout
fdedd3b: [Serializer] report XML warning/error instead of silently returning a wrong XML
4c1d8eb: [Process] allow to ignore signals when executing a process
695bd1a: [Security] add support for dynamic CSRF id with Expression in #[IsCsrfTokenValid]
26d71d3: [Contracts] rename ServiceSubscriberTrait to ServiceMethodsSubscriberTrait
cd0dbb8: [TwigBridge] add emojify Twig filter
fd1d19e: [Process] don’t call sigprocmask if there is no ignored signals
9549cc2: [HttpKernel] map a list of items with MapRequestPayload attribute

Newest issues and pull requests

[RFC] ObjectMapper
[Mime] RFC 2822 parser to get Email/DraftEmail message from mime message

They talked about us

Symfony Station Communiqué – 05 April 2024
Front-end application development, Symfony-style(s)
How to debug ANY Symfony command simply passing -x
Symfony Form: use the Type Class as DTO
Self-hosted Gitlab CI for PHP Symfony project
A Detailed Guide on Implementing Registration and Authentication in Symfony7 (Part1)
How to Send PHP Symfony Application Logs to Slack Using Monolog

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